Thursday, 29 October 2020

Lush Halloween Haul - Bewitched Bubble Bar

Hello and welcome to the final instalment of my Lush Halloween haul! The other items purchased and reviewed in my haul have been three bath bombs; Bat Art, Monsters Ball and Punkin Pumpkin. Along with the Very very frightening shower gel and the Toffee Apple lip scrub. For today’s post I’ll be talking about the Bewitched bubble bar.


Whilst kind of similar to a bath bomb, the Lush bubble bars work slightly differently. I tend to cut the majority of my bubble bars up into halves or quarters, as they pack plenty of punch and I can get more use out of them than if I used the whole thing in one go. I did find that the bewitched bar was slightly smaller than my other bars, and I didn’t cut this one up. I’m not sure you’d get away with quartering this one but I think you could get away with cutting it in half, and still have a good level of potency.



So, what do Lush have to say about this Bubble Bar?


“This friendly feline will boost your luck with blackberry scented bubbles and plastic-free glitter. Perrrfect for packaging-free bathing.”


As I mentioned before, you use these slightly differently to a bath bomb. Rather than just chucking it in a full bath and watching it do its thing, this works far better if you crumble it into the bath while the water is running to allow it to dissolve and create lots of wonderful bubbles. If for whatever reason you don’t want to (or would struggle to) crumble it you can pop it on the bottom of the bath just below the tap and the rush of water will normally break most of it down.


The scent of this bubble bar is one of my favourites from the range along with the Very very Fighting shower gel. It is described as having a blackberry scent, which I absolutely agree with. I liked the smell so much in fact, I put off trying this one because I didn’t want to not have it in my little collection – I have of course now stocked myself up on a few!  


If you saw my review of Bat Art, you’ll have seen I was extremely put off by the amount of glitter contained within the bath bomb, to the point that I wouldn’t re-purchase it. The Bewitched Bubble bar on the other hand had just enough glitter to make it pretty and visually appealing, but not so much that it was over the top or off putting. I had beautiful glittery waters while at the same time, didn’t emerge with my skin saturated in glitter. As with many of the Lush bath products my skin felt soft and moisturised after I was finished with my bath.


With previous posts I’ve mentioned staining of the tub with Bat Art and Monsters Ball being the biggest culprits. I found that this bubble bar didn’t cause any staining at all, despite being very similar in colour to Bat Art, which was really pleasing. All in all I really enjoyed this bar, and have purchased a few more of them.


Have you tried anything from the Lush Halloween range? Be quick if you haven’t, they are only around for a few more days!



  1. This is my favourite item from the Lush Halloween range, well, this and monsters ball. It's such a fab little bubble bar and is perfect for this time fo year!

    Jordanne ||

    1. Somehow I've never tried anything from the Halloween range before, so really enjoyed trying them all out! It's a really lovely bubble bar!

      Em x

  2. I haven’t tried this one before, it looks so cute! I like using Lush products, but haven’t brought any for a while. I love their Christmas products, so I am looking forward to seeing them! Thank you for sharing.


    1. It's a really lovely bubble bar! I love their Christmas products too, I've already managed to get my hands on Snow Fairy!

      eM X


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