Saturday, 12 December 2020

Lush Christmas Haul - Luxury Lush Pud - Blogmas Day 12

Hello and welcome to another Blogmas post! Today’s review is about the Luxury Lush Pud, a brightly coloured, Christmas Pudding inspired bath bomb. The vibrant colour and design of this bath bomb made me pretty excited to try it out, but before I get into that, let’s see what Lush have to say about it;


Sweet blackcurrant and cypress oils blend in this Christmas bath bomb to soothe the body and give an energising lift. A plastic-free treat.


The scent is pretty similar to the Comforter, and given that the Comforter is one of my all-time favourite bubble bars I was very excited to try out the lovely bath bomb. I could pick up slight hints of blackcurrant, and the overall scent of this bath bomb is a deep, sweet scent with a fresh twist that is probably brought on by the Bergamot oil.

Priced at £4.95 this is one of the more expensive bath bombs within the range. I’ve found that some of the more intricate bath bombs don’t look as good in person as they do online, however, this bath bomb looked exactly the same as the image I saw online which was really pleasing.


This bath bomb performed wonderfully in the water, kicking out lots of vibrant colour in every direction. I knew by just looking at this before I put it in the water that it would more than likely cause some staining on the sides of the bath, and I was 100% right. However, it is somewhat to be expected with colours this bright, and it was very easily removed without too much effort. Fortunately my husband doesn’t particularly mind anyway and as I’ve said previously I don’t mind a little staining at all, but I do like to be aware of it prior to using a bath bomb.


I was really pleased to find that the scent of this bath bomb was just as strong once dissolved into the water as it had been before. For me there’s nothing worse that losing the scent as a bath bomb dissolves into the water, and this is something I very rarely suffer with when it comes to Lush products.


As with many of their products I found that this bath bomb left me skin feeling soft, and felt nice and relaxed. These bath bombs have been absolutely perfect for me as a way to relax mid-week, especially with work getting busy in the lead up to Christmas.


Have you tried anything from the Lush Christmas range? What was your favourite?



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